What we tell our patients: FaceTite contracts aging skin by about 40%. For loose skin under the chin and loose skin on the jawline, it can’t be beat. The liposculpture result is permanent and the skin tightening lasts years.
“Until now, there hasn’t been a minimally invasive way to precisely tighten the jowls and aging jawline” – Courtney Lo, PA & Founder
The best skin tightening treatment for jowls & under the chin
Facetite precisely tightens skin and removes the little fat pockets (permanently).
What is FaceTite?
FaceTite radiofrequency-assisted liposuction (or RFAL for short) is a relatively new, FDA-approved, minimally invasive procedure in which thermal energy is used to remove unwanted fat and tighten the skin.
Differences between AccuTite, BodyTite & FaceTite
AccuTite is the smallest minimally invasive radio frequency contraction device out there. Designed by InMode, AccuTite is used to treat delicate areas of the face including the nasolabial folds (smile lines or laugh lines), lower face, and neck. AccuTite also provides pinpoint accuracy for treating the brows and the periorbital area (e.g. the area between a patient’s upper and mid-face). Some patients use AccuTite to correct the appearance of aging hands and knees.
How does FaceTite work?
Before the procedure, the area is numbed with local anesthesia. CSLC offers those who need additional comfort in-office nitrous oxide or “laughing gas.” Once the treatment area is numb, a small skin opening is made and the radiofrequency transmitting electrode is inserted which heats the skin externally and internally at the same time. This device features multiple built-in sensors to ensure that the treatment area doesn’t get too hot.
Once the FaceTite wand is in, Dr. Lo moves it back and forth to evenly heat the lower face and jowl area, neck, and under the chin. The heat gently melts and remodels stubborn fat cells and sagging skin. FaceTite takes about 30-45 minutes, from start to finish.
Pros & Cons of FaceTite
✔ Pros
- high return on investment
- minimally invasive
- no scarring
- minimal downtime
- high satisfaction rate
- long lasting results: 2-5 years!
✗ Cons
- possible bruising
- swelling or puffiness
- best results take 6 months
- compression after treatment
FaceTite vs Other Nonsurgical Skin tightening Treatments

FaceTite Before & After Photos at
Cosmetic Skin & Laser Center

Client Testimonial
“I just wanted to express how thankful and satisfied I am with the long term results! I just returned home from vacation and in going through pictures from the trip, one photo of my profile really made me realize how much of a difference there is from a few years ago. I’m so much more confident and no longer hide my side angle from the camera. Getting my treatment was one of the best decisions I’ve made and I just wanted to share that gratitude : ) ”
Carly, CSLC FaceTite patient

FaceTite Frequently Asked Questions
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